Delft University of Technology is one of the most prominent technical universities in Europe. It attracts a large number of students from many countries, encourages science career among women, cooperates with several (inter)national industries and small-medium enterprises and has a successful incubator for spin-off companies. The Photovoltaic Materials and Devices (PVMD) Chair is a research group within the Electrical Sustainable Energy department of the Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science faculty. The group routinely collaborates with (inter)national research centres, universities and companies such as AIST (Japan), EPFL (Switzerland), ASU (U.S.A.), Stanford University (U.S.A.) and Kaneka Corp. (Japan). The PVMD group is strongly focussed on the study, development and fabrication of highly efficient wafer-based and thin-film silicon solar cells. The group has three main expertise: (i) opto-electrical modelling of advanced solar cell architectures, (ii) development and characterization of several PV materials ranging from transparent contacts to silicon alloys, (iii) fabrication of high efficiency silicon-based solar cells. The group is the largest in the Netherlands dealing with PV conversion. On a yearly basis, twenty-five individuals among staff members, Postdocs and PhDs supervise as many MSc students. The group has the vision to develop next-generation cost-effective high-efficiency solar cells. To achieve this goal, several theoretical and experimental activities are run within national and international projects.